Disarmament and International Security Council

(Open only for grades 8 and above)

"There can be no true disarmament without peace, there can be no real peace without very material disarmament."

-Dwight D. Eisenhower

From fast-paced conflict resolution to revolutionary policy changes, DISEC lies at the forefront of the UN General Assembly. With nuanced networks and clandestine routes, arms trafficking circumvents legal regulations, thriving on the black market. This illicit trade poses a grave challenge to global security, as it fuels conflicts, supports terrorism, and perpetuates violence. As AI technologies continue to advance, the arms trafficking landscape becomes a battleground where these intelligent systems compete against each other, the intricate dance between weapons traffickers and law enforcement continues to unfold in a relentless pursuit of technological supremacy.

Will the committe rise to the challenge of the emerging AI technologies and keep ahead of the curve?


Deliberation of Arms Control in the Age of Emerging Technologies